RA Ethan
Ethan Brown was a resident assistant when I was in my first year of school at Ohio University. Washington Hall is the honors dorm on campus, full of stressed-out students with intense course loads. RA Ethan, as we knew him, always seemed to be in three places at once. He was hosting social events in our lobby, putting encouraging messages on our doors, playing piano, volunteering with his church,
and at the time, was a triple major.
He was always cheerful, always ready to help. I recall sitting on College Green with my roommate one day when we got a text in our Washington Hall group chat. Someone had accidentally locked themselves out of their dorm room and was hoping there was an RA around. Ten seconds later, we watched Ethan sprint past, running all the way from Court Street to unlock the dorm.
“I love being everyone’s 3:00 a.m. knock on the door. Whether they’ve just had the best day of their life and they’ve got to talk to someone about it or they’ve just had the worst day of their life and need someone to talk to about it. I love being that guy that is kind of on the receiving end, like the front lines of student services. If something is going wrong, the RA is probably the first one that hears about it and then we can connect them with resources.”
and at the time, was a triple major.
He was always cheerful, always ready to help. I recall sitting on College Green with my roommate one day when we got a text in our Washington Hall group chat. Someone had accidentally locked themselves out of their dorm room and was hoping there was an RA around. Ten seconds later, we watched Ethan sprint past, running all the way from Court Street to unlock the dorm.
“I love being everyone’s 3:00 a.m. knock on the door. Whether they’ve just had the best day of their life and they’ve got to talk to someone about it or they’ve just had the worst day of their life and need someone to talk to about it. I love being that guy that is kind of on the receiving end, like the front lines of student services. If something is going wrong, the RA is probably the first one that hears about it and then we can connect them with resources.”